3д написать анимация движения тени
Вариант 1:
<div class=»text3d-wrap-1″>
<span class=»text3d-1″>3D текст</span>
1 |
<div class=»text3d-wrap-1″> <span class=»text3d-1″>3D текст</span> </div> |
.text3d-wrap-1 {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #337AB7;
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 260px;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
perspective: 3000px;
.text3d-1 {
align-self: center;
margin-top: -18px;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
transform: rotateX(40deg) rotateZ(5deg);
font-family: Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;
font-size: 100px;
letter-spacing: 3px;
color: #f5f5f5;
text-shadow: white 0.006em 0.006em 0.007em, #9c9c9c 1px 1px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 2px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 3px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 4px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 5px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 6px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 7px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 8px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 9px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 10px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 11px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 12px 1px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.4) 1px 18px 6px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.2) 1px 22px 10px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.2) 1px 26px 35px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.4) 1px 30px 65px;
.text3d-wrap-1:hover .text3d-1{
margin-top: -26px;
text-shadow: white 0.006em 0.006em 0.007em, #9c9c9c 1px 1px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 2px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 3px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 4px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 5px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 6px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 7px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 8px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 9px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 10px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 11px 1px, #9c9c9c 1px 12px 1px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.4) 1px 38px 26px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.2) 1px 42px 30px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.2) 1px 46px 65px, rgba(16, 16, 16, 0.4) 1px 50px 95px;
@media (max-width:767px) {
.text3d-1 {
font-size: 60px;
1 |
.text3d-wrap-1 { margin; padding; background-color#337AB7; positionrelative; width100%; height260px; displayflex; flex-directionrow; justify-contentcenter; perspective3000px; } .text3d-1 { align-selfcenter; margin-top-18px; transitionall0.3sease; transformrotateX(40deg)rotateZ(5deg); font-familyImpact,Charcoal,sans-serif; font-size100px; letter-spacing3px; color#f5f5f5; text-shadowwhite0.006em0.006em0.007em,#9c9c9c1px1px1px,#9c9c9c1px2px1px,#9c9c9c1px3px1px,#9c9c9c1px4px1px,#9c9c9c1px5px1px,#9c9c9c1px6px1px,#9c9c9c1px7px1px,#9c9c9c1px8px1px,#9c9c9c1px9px1px,#9c9c9c1px10px1px,#9c9c9c1px11px1px,#9c9c9c1px12px1px,rgba(16,16,16,0.4)1px18px6px,rgba(16,16,16,0.2)1px22px10px,rgba(16,16,16,0.2)1px26px35px,rgba(16,16,16,0.4)1px30px65px; } .text3d-wrap-1:hover .text3d-1{ margin-top-26px; text-shadowwhite0.006em0.006em0.007em,#9c9c9c1px1px1px,#9c9c9c1px2px1px,#9c9c9c1px3px1px,#9c9c9c1px4px1px,#9c9c9c1px5px1px,#9c9c9c1px6px1px,#9c9c9c1px7px1px,#9c9c9c1px8px1px,#9c9c9c1px9px1px,#9c9c9c1px10px1px,#9c9c9c1px11px1px,#9c9c9c1px12px1px,rgba(16,16,16,0.4)1px38px26px,rgba(16,16,16,0.2)1px42px30px,rgba(16,16,16,0.2)1px46px65px,rgba(16,16,16,0.4)1px50px95px; } @media (max-width:767px) { .text3d-1 { font-size60px; } } |
3D Text Effect Logo Generator
It’s a free online 3D logo generator that makes easy to design 3D letters and words to your 3D logo or banner. This online 3D
text maker app offers several rendering styles, you have great control over 3D text colors, the 3D text banners are rendered with
anti-aliasing and you can optionally customize your cool 3D text logo with a useful transparent background.
When using this 3D logo editor to design an online 3D writing or 3D word art, you can choose among more than 450 cool artistic
font faces to produce professional 3D logos with your name, message, slogan, or any 3D words or letters you need to your header,
title, cover, flyer, interface, page, blog, site, application, game, party, event, Facebook, Twitter, social image, wallpaper,
graphic design, image composition or whatever you can imagine.
The color options to configure are different according to the selected rendering type. This free
3D text effect software can design according to four 3D rendering techniques:
- Simplified Wireframe;
- Solid Wireframe;
- Illuminated Faces;
- Smooth Illumination.
This online 3D text designer also offers you several 3D models and 3D layouts to be used very easily. The most important and
useful basic text 3D tranformations are in the list, so it prevents you from dealing with angles, axis, coordinates and other
boring Math concepts. Below you can see some illustrative 3D logo examples created by using this free 3D text software.
This page offers our popular 3D text generator developed to create beautiful classic 3D text effects. However, if you prefer
realistic cool 3D text effects, the best way to create 3D text logos is using our top 3D text generators. Here you
have many online premium 3D text makers to be used easily for free, like for example:
- 3D Textured Text Effect Generators;
- 3D Glitter Text Logo Makers;
- 3D Graffiti Text Effect Creator;
- 3D Love Text Logo Creators;
- 3D Fancy Text Logo Generators;
- 3D Horror Text Logo Designers.
It’s highly recommended you visit the page that has a special list with our free
3D Online Logo Generator
apps. All online logo creators available there have at least one cool logo image example, so it will be easy for
you to choose the best 3D logo maker to design a graphic as you want.
- Before using the 3D text logo creator, wait for the complete page loading, or you can get wrong results.
- If you choose to get a transparent PNG file, the selected background color will be ignored.
- No matter the 3D model you have chosen, the shadow (if desired) is drawn based on a light
source in a far position above and behind the 3D letters. This shadow lies over a floor
just below the text. If you choose a dark background, probably the shadow will not be visible.
Конструктор Shattering надписей и текстов с анимацией разрушения красивым шрифтом
Текст, шрифт
Размер шрифта (px):
Стиль текста:
NormalBoldItalicItalic Bold
Цвет текста
Удалить изображение
Цвет фона
Фоновое изображение:
Удалить изображение
Параметры анимации
Время анимации (с):
Пауза до разделения(с):
Мин прозрачность частиц (%):
Разброс (0% — 500%):
Задержка (с):
Пауза после разделения(с):
Размер частиц (%):
Мин. разброс (0% — 500%):
Размер области
Ширина области (px):
Высота области (px):